Hoe maak je een A1 Thick and Hearty burger? (2024)

Stapel pasteitjes op het onderste broodje zodat de kaas in het midden zit. Beleg de pasteitjes met spek, dan gegrilde uien, dan A1-saus voordat je ze belegt met het bovenste broodje. Eet en geniet meteen.

Wat is er bijvoorbeeld gebeurd met de A1 dikke en hartige burger? Dus, zoals sommigen van jullie misschien hebben gehoord, Whataburger heeft de A1 Dik en Stevig van de hand gedaan. Het begon als een tijdelijke hamburger. Ze zijn ervan afgekomen.

Echt, is A1 dik en stevig stopgezet? Whataburger trekt de A1 dikke en hartige burger met pensioen (Voor goed?)

Maar voordat ze dat doen, hebben ze een microsite gemaakt, A1SupportGroup.com, voor fans die zeker zullen rouwen om het verlies op 21 december.

Hoe maak je superdikke hamburgers?

Wat is dan A1 Dik en stevig?

A1 Thick & Hearty steaksaus is de perfecte aanvulling op hamburgers, steak, kip, varkensvlees, groenten en meer. Een dikkere en rijkere versie van A1 Original Steak Sauce, gemaakt met tomatenpuree, azijn, zout, ui, knoflook en geplette sinaasappelpuree. De perfecte balans tussen zoete, zure en zoute smaken.


Hoe laat je een Whataburger Monterey smelten?

Smeer de ranchdressing op het onderste broodje van de burger. Leg twee runderpasteitjes op de burger, gevolgd door uien, poblano peper, sla en gesmolten plakjes Monterey jack kaas. Serveer de Monterey melt met je favoriete toppings en bijgerechten.

Waarom smaakt A1 anders?

A1 steaksaus heeft een scherpe, zure, zoute of zoete smaak met een vleugje peper. De smaak van A1 steaksaus is afhankelijk van de toegevoegde ingrediënten. De smaak is vergelijkbaar met die van Worcestershire-saus, alleen mist het de hitte en het kruid.

Is A1 steaksaus dik?

Deze heerlijke saus combineert tomatenpuree, azijn, zout, ui, knoflook en geplette sinaasappelpuree voor een onmiskenbare smaak die je niet kunt weerstaan. Voeg deze dikke steaksaus toe tijdens het koken van biefstuk, kip of varkensvlees, of gebruik het als dipsaus.

Heeft Whataburger de Monterey Melt stopgezet?

Whataburger® op Twitter: «Helaas gaat de Monterey Melt volgende week weg.

Hoe maak je thuis een Whataburger?

Whataburger Patty Melt is zeker een lekker broodje.

Hamburger Voorbereiding

  1. Doe het gehakt in een kom.
  2. Vorm het rundvlees in 4 dunne ronde pasteitjes.
  3. Voeg 2 theelepels boter toe aan de koekenpan.
  4. Voeg uien en een snufje zout toe aan de koekenpan.
  5. Kook de uien tot ze bruin zijn.
  6. Leg alle vier de burgerpasteitjes in de koekenpan.

Welke saus zit er op de Monterey Melt?

De Monterey Melt bestaat uit twee runderpasteitjes gegarneerd met Monterey Jack en Amerikaanse kaas, gegrilde uien en paprika's en Whataburger's Jalapeño Ranch-saus.

Wat gaat goed met A1?

Hoe te gebruiken A. 1. Steaksaus: 5 smakelijke ideeën

  • Cowboyburger. Waarom zou steak al het plezier hebben? Burgers verdienen ook een beetje liefde.
  • A. Gehaktbrood. Je mama's gehaktbrood is dit niet.
  • Kaasachtige Aardappeltaart. Niets geeft meer voldoening dan een beproefd vlees-en-aardappelgerecht.
  • A Chili.
  • Rundvlees Stroganoff. Wie kende A.

Moet je A1-saus in de koelkast bewaren?

Moet A1-saus worden gekoeld? A1-saus hoeft niet gekoeld bewaard te worden, ook niet na openen, hoewel het wel aan te raden is om dit wel te doen. Over het algemeen gaat deze saus langer mee en blijft hij verser als je dat doet.

Is A1-saus hetzelfde als HP Sauce?

Als je het nog niet hebt geprobeerd, vraag je je misschien af: "Wat is HP Sauce?" Vraag het op een forum en je krijgt altijd iemand die iets zegt als: "Het is eigenlijk A1." Niet waar. HP Sauce is vergelijkbaar met A1-steaksaus, maar het is zeker niet hetzelfde.

Wat zit er in Monterey burger van Whataburger?

Whataburger biedt zijn populaire Monterey Melt-burger opnieuw aan op deelnemende locaties. De terugkerende fan-favoriete burger bestaat uit twee 100 procent rundvleespasteitjes gegarneerd met Monterey Jack en Amerikaanse kazen, gegrilde uien en paprika's, en de Jalapeño Ranch-saus van de keten.

Heeft Whataburger nog pico de gallo burger?

8 juli 2021 Bijgewerkt: 30 juli 2021 2:34 uur Whataburger brengt voor een beperkte tijd de favoriete Pico De Gallo-burger terug. De favoriete hamburgerketen van Texas brengt deze zomer een cultfavoriet terug en voegt nieuwe menu-items toe. Whataburger blaast zijn populaire Pico De Gallo-burger voor een beperkte tijd nieuw leven in.

Wat komt er op de Mushroom Swiss burger bij Whataburger?

De Mushroom Swiss Burger is gewoon een beetje chique, maar niet kieskeurig, en bestaat uit twee verse, volledig rundvleespasteitjes, romige Au Jus-saus, twee plakjes kaas, twee lagen premium gegrilde champignons en een geroosterd vijf-inch broodje.

Wat doet Whataburger op hun hamburgers?

De hamburgers worden geserveerd op grote, geroosterde vijf-inch broodjes. Als u niets specificeert, wordt elke Whataburger geleverd met mosterd, sla, tomaten, augurken en in blokjes gesneden uien.

Waar is patty melt saus van gemaakt?

Dus wat is geheime saus precies? Veel fastfood- en sit-down restaurants serveren hamburgers, frites en patty melts met een "geheime saus". Geheime saus is meestal een variatie op duizend eilanddressing. De basis is gemaakt met mayonaise en ketchup, waaraan andere smaken zijn toegevoegd zoals mosterd, paprika en knoflook.

Wat zijn de ingrediënten in een Whataburger?

Bun Oil: Sojaolie, sojalecithine, natuurlijke en kunstmatige smaakstof, TBHQ toegevoegd om de smaak te beschermen, beta-caroteen (kleurstof), dimethylpolysiloxaan, een antischuimmiddel toegevoegd. Mosterd: Water, azijn, mosterdzaad, zout, kurkuma, kruiden, knoflookpoeder en natuurlijke aroma's. Beef Patty: USDA geïnspecteerd 100% rundergehakt.

Hoe maak je Monterey melts?


  1. 5 oz hamburgervlees.
  2. 1 schijfje ui.
  3. 1 plakje rode paprika.
  4. 1 plakje groene paprika.
  5. 1 plak Monterey Jack-kaas.
  6. 1 plak witte Amerikaanse kaas.
  7. 1 snufje zout en peper naar smaak.
  8. 1 elk hamburgerbroodje.

Wat zit er op een Monterey burger?

Kruid rundergehakt met een zoete en rokerige mix van tomaat, ui, knoflook en zwarte peper voor stevige hamburgers. Pepper jack cheese voegt warmte toe en gegrilde rode uien voegen een zoete gekarameliseerde smaak toe.

Welke kaas zit er op een Monterey Melt?

**De eigenlijke Monterey Melt gebruikt Amerikaanse en Monterey Jack-kaas.

Kun je A1-saus op hamburgers doen?

Kooktip: U kunt A1 Steak Sauce nemen en er ongeveer drie tot vier eetlepels van mengen met ongeveer een pond hamburger. Hoe hoger het vetgehalte, hoe meer smaak in het rundergehakt.

Wat meng je met A1 saus?


  • 1 / 2 kopje Worcestershire-saus.
  • 2 eetlepels ketchup.
  • 2 theelepels lichte sojasaus.
  • 1 / 4 theelepel zout.

Kunnen honden A1 eten?

Nee, honden mogen geen A1 Steaksaus eten omdat er verschillende ingrediënten in A1 Steaksaus zitten die niet gezond of veilig zijn voor honden. Enkele van deze ingrediënten die slecht zijn voor honden zijn: Gedroogde knoflook. Gedroogde ui.

Kan A1-saus worden ingevroren?

Hoewel A1-saus geruime tijd houdbaar is, blijft zelfgemaakte saus ongeveer een week in de koelkast en kan enkele maanden worden ingevroren.

Wordt Worcestershire-saus slecht?


Worcestershire-saus die continu wordt gekoeld, blijft over het algemeen ongeveer 3 jaar van de beste kwaliteit.

Is A1-saus goed voor je?

A1 is een klassieker. Het is overheerlijk en verslavend - en dat is geen toeval. Hoewel het lage calorie- en suikergehalte u misschien niet verontrust, is het het natrium dat deze saus zo slecht maakt.

Hoe maak je een A1 Thick and Hearty burger? (2024)


What is on the A1 thick and hearty burger? ›

Thick & Hearty Burger. It's a two-patty beef burger with grilled onions, bacon, American cheese and A. 1. Thick & Hearty sauce.

Is A1 thick and hearty being discontinued? ›

Whataburger Retires the A1 Thick & Hearty Burger (For Good?)

But before they do, they've created a microsite, A1SupportGroup.com, for fans sure to mourn the loss come December 21.

How to make a very good burger? ›

10 Tips for Better Burgers | The Food Lab
  1. Use Freshly Ground Beef.
  2. Keep Everything Really Cold.
  3. Don't Futz With Your Meat.
  4. Do Not Salt Beef Until Patties Are Formed.
  5. Form Matters.
  6. Season Liberally.
  7. Flip Your Burger as Often as You Like.
  8. Use a Thermometer.

How to cook a 1 pound burger? ›

  1. Spray an 8- to 9-inch cake pan with cooking oil. Salt and pepper the bottom of the pan. ...
  2. Place in a 350 F preheated oven. Bake the burger for abut 30 minutes until the center of the burger reaches 160 F.
  3. Let the burger cool for 5 to 10 minutes. ...
  4. Put a plate on top of the burger.

What is the difference between A1 and A1 thick and hearty? ›

Our Thick & Hearty Sauce is the perfect complement to burgers, steak, chicken, pork, vegetables and more! Thicker and richer than our Original A1 steak sauce, it combines tomato puree, vinegar, salt, onion, garlic and crushed orange puree for a sweet, sour and salty taste that goes with almost anything.

What flavor is A1? ›

Its flavor, ineffable but always memorable, is like raisins mashed into an old orange and then plunged into the dregs of a long-neglected beef stock with dribbles of expired tomato paste.

Is A1 just Worcestershire sauce? ›

A1 steak sauce is a Worcestershire sauce replacement that only shares a few ingredients but still gives you a very similar taste profile. It adds the salty and the sweet with many different spices that can help replace the flavors you are missing from Worcestershire sauce.

Why is A1 Sauce called that? ›

In 1824 Henderson William Brand, a chef to King George IV of the United Kingdom, created the original sauce on which A. 1. is based. A popular myth has it that the king declared it "A. 1." and the name was born.

Why did they make A1 Sauce? ›

As the story goes, the sauce was concocted specifically for King George IV by his personal chef, Henderson William Brand, in the 1820s. The King himself gave it a stamp of approval, proclaiming "A1" to his chef and the name stuck.

How many eggs do you put in ground beef for burgers? ›

Add 1 egg yolk per pound of hamburger. It won't add appreciably to the fat content and will bind the meat beautifully. The other thing you can do is add canned, drained, crushed black beans or chickpeas to the hamburger. The starch from the beans will bind the meat together and add an interesting taste.

What makes the best burger meat? ›

The best ground beef to buy for burgers is 80/20 ground chuck – 80% lean meat and 20% fat. Ground chuck is ground from the shoulder and has that ideal lean-to-fat ratio of 80/20 (i.e. not too lean) for a super flavorful, juicy burger. Ground round comes from the back of the cow, near the tail, upper leg, and rump.

What not to do when making burgers? ›

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Burgers
  1. Using meat that's too lean.
  2. Handling the meat too much.
  3. Not making a dimple in the burger.
  4. Not seasoning your burger at the right time.
  5. Flattening your burger with a spatula.
Dec 13, 2022

How long to cook a 1 inch thick burger? ›

Burger Grill Time Chart for Fresh Hamburgers
Rare (120-125°F)Well Done (160-165°F)
½-inch thick4 minutes8 minutes
¾-inch thick6 minutes10 minutes
1-inch thick8 minutes12 minutes

How long does it take to cook a 1 inch thick burger? ›

Here's a guide for the cook time and temperature of one-inch-thick burger patties: Medium-rare (warm, red center): 6 minutes, or 130 to 135° Medium (warm, pink center): 7 to 8 minutes, or 140 to 145° Medium-well (hot, slightly pink center): 9 minutes, or 150 to 155°

How long to cook a 1 inch burger on each side? ›

For a rare burger, cook for 2 minutes per side for 4 minutes total. For a medium-rare burger, cook for 2 minutes and thirty seconds per side for 5 minutes total. For a medium burger, cook for 3 to 3 1/2 minutes per side for 6 to 7 minutes total.

Why does A1 taste like Worcestershire sauce? ›

A1 Steak Sauce (or HP Brown Sauce)

Made with tomato puree, raisin paste, white vinegar, corn syrup, crushed orange puree, and salt, this sauce has many of the same flavor notes as Worcestershire—it's just missing the spice and heat.

Does A1 sauce taste good? ›

A1 steak sauce is a delicious condiment whose ingredients add up to that ultimate human addictive flavor: sweet, salty, sour and umami. Maybe penultimate, because the fat and sugar of fried dough - think churros and donuts - is the actual ultimate.

Is A1 sauce like HP Sauce? ›

If you've not tried it, you might be wondering, “What is HP Sauce?” Ask it on a forum and you'll invariably get someone saying something like, “It's basically A1.” Not true. HP Sauce is similar to A1 steak sauce, but it's definitely not the same thing.

Is A1 sauce spicy? ›

Bold and Spicy Sauce Made with Tabasco delivers the classic A. 1. flavor you love, combine with the spicy kick of Tabasco sauce to enhance your family's favorite dishes. This delicious sauce combines unmistakable A.

What does A1 sauce taste like on burger? ›

It has a tart taste, yet it may also feel sweet with a bit of spiciness from pepper. The sauce clearly depends on the ingredients added and different brands add in different things along the main ones.

Does A1 have meat in it? ›

A1 contains pureed tomatoes, raisins, herbs, spices, garlic, onion, and orange puree. Caramel color (from sugars) enhance the sauce's color, and xanthan gum thickens it. All these ingredients are vegan, and no animals are tested or harmed in the manufacturing process.

What can I substitute for A1 sauce? ›

It was exported to the US at the end of the 19th century and has remained very popular there ever since. The closest UK product would be HP Sauce which is also based on malt vinegar but has more tanginess as HP sauce has tamarind in it. However in the meatloaf HP sauce would be a good alternative.

What is the main ingredient in A1 sauce? ›

Ingredients. Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Vinegar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Raisin Paste, Crushed Orange Puree, Spices (Contains Celery), Dried Garlic, Caramel Color, Dried Onion, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate (to Preserve Freshness).

Is A1 sauce for steak? ›

Serving Suggestions: A. 1. Steak Sauce is a condiment that can be used to enhance steak, steak sandwiches, burgers, steak fajitas, meatloaf, and more!

Is A1 sauce a BBQ sauce? ›

Product Details. Transform your meals with the bold flavors of A1 Sweet Hickory Sauce with Bull's-Eye BBQ Sauce. With an enticing blend of sweet and smoky flavors, our A1 sauce is ideal for burgers, steak, chicken, pork, vegetables and more!

Does A1 sauce have alcohol? ›

Earlier versions of A. 1. used tastier (but more expensive) malt vinegar, which is made from unhopped beer. The distilled variety is made from industrial vats of pure ethanol.

What is A1 sauce best on? ›

How to Use A. 1. Steak Sauce: 5 Tasty Ideas
  • Cowboy Burger. Why should steak have all the fun? Burgers deserve a little lovin' too. ...
  • A. Meatloaf. Your mama's meatloaf this is not. ...
  • Cheesy Potato Pie. Not much is more satisfying than a tried-and-true meat-and-potatoes kind of dish. ...
  • A. Chili. ...
  • Beef Stroganoff. Who knew A.

Who invented A1 sauce? ›

A1 Steak Sauce is said to have been created sometime in the late 1820s by Henderson William Brand, the Chef to England's King George IV. The king was so pleased with the new sauce, he proclaimed it 'A number 1' - or 'A1' for short.

Is A1 sauce vegan? ›

A1 Steak sauce: A1 Steak sauce is delicious on grilled vegetables and sandwiches. If you're vegan, no need to worry here. This flavorful sauce contains tomato purée, raisin paste, vinegar, sugar, salt, orange purée and a blend of spices.

Should I mix egg into burger meat? ›

Do homemade burgers need eggs? No, homemade burgers don't need eggs to bind them. Other ground beef recipes like these low carb meatballs need eggs to help bind the ingredients because they have additional dry ingredients like bread crumbs and onions.

Why add egg yolk to hamburger? ›

Egg yolk acts as a binder and adds flavor

After forming it into a patty, he explains that the egg actually helps bind the meat together, and adds an incredibly rich flavor to the burger patty. As a good rule of thumb, it's best to add one yolk per pound of ground beef.

What is a good binder for burgers? ›

Eggs are the most common and effective binder, and egg replacers are an excellent alternative for vegan burgers. Other common binders include wheat germ, bread crumbs, oats, and ground flaxseeds. These are dry ingredients, though the recipe's other ingredients often add just enough moisture to make a sufficient binder.

What is the most important ingredient in a burger? ›

The meat you buy is perhaps the most important ingredient. Ground beef is available in many ratios. If you buy 80/20, for example, it is 80% lean meat and 20% fat. A better alternative is 93/7, which has just enough fat for some flavor.

What can I add to hamburger meat for flavor? ›

Add salt, black pepper, paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder to a bowl or plate. Mix to combine. Season your favorite burgers with our burger seasoning mix and enjoy!

What is the best fat ratio for burgers? ›

To make the juiciest, most flavorful burgers, choose ground beef that is 70 percent lean and 30 percent fat. To make more healthful burgers—but ones that are still pretty juicy and tasty—choose ground beef that is 80 percent lean and 20 percent fat.

How many times do you flip a hamburger? ›

Flip the Burgers Once and Only Once

Constant turning will toughen and dry out the meat, and if you flip too soon, burgers will stick. Cook two minutes per side for rare, three minutes for medium-rare, four minutes for medium, and five minutes for well-done.

How do I keep my burgers juicy? ›

A little extra moisture helps even well-done burgers stay juicy and tender, even if they're made from 90% lean ground beef. Mix in 1/4-1/2 cup water per pound of ground beef before forming your patties to reap the tenderizing benefit of H20. Some chefs tuck an ice cube into the middle of the patty for the same effect.

Should you press down on burgers? ›

No squishing, please.

Avoid the urge to press down on your burger while it cooks as you'll force out the juices — and the flavor along with them.

How do you tell if a burger is cooked enough? ›

Cook ground beef to an internal temperature of 160 °F as measured with a food thermometer. The color of cooked ground beef can be quite variable. At 160 °F, a safely cooked patty may look brown, pink, or some variation of brown or pink.

Do you grill burgers with lid open or closed? ›

Thin pork chops, shrimp, and burgers tend to cook quickly. Leaving the grill lid up will slow the cooking process by reducing the temperature around the meat. For thicker cuts, you want to close the lid to keep the temperature high and even.

What temperature do you cook thick burgers? ›

When grilling burgers, you want the grill temperature to be around medium-high to high heat, which is around 375 to 400 degrees F. Many gas grills have built in thermometers, but often they tend to be not super reliable.

How long to cook thick burgers per side? ›

Medium-Rare: If you like your patty just red-pink in the center and with browning around the edges, grill for about 2 1/2 minutes per side or 5 minutes total. Medium: If you like your patty just pink in the center and otherwise browned, grill for about 3 1/2 minutes per side or 7 minutes total.

How long to cook a thick burger well-done? ›

How Long to Grill Burgers
  1. For rare burgers, cook for 4 minutes total (125°F)
  2. For medium-rare burgers, cook for 5 minutes total (135°F)
  3. For medium burgers, cook for 6 to 7 minutes total (145°F)
  4. For well-done burgers, cook for 8 to 9 minutes total (160 °F)
Jul 4, 2018

How do you know when to flip a burger on a pan? ›

Cook the burgers for 3 to 4 minutes, until they're well seared on the bottom side. Using a wide, thin spatula, flip the burgers over and cook them for another 3 to 4 minutes until they reach the desired internal temperature.

How long do you let burgers rest? ›

Letting ground beef rest is also important because a significant amount of fat will drain away instead of collecting in the bun. For perfect burgers (and buns), let the burgers rest for 5 minutes, tented with foil and preferably on a rack so moisture doesn't collect underneath, before transferring them to buns.

What is in A1 sauce? ›

Ingredients. Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Vinegar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Raisin Paste, Crushed Orange Puree, Spices (Contains Celery), Dried Garlic, Caramel Color, Dried Onion, Xanthan Gum, Potassium Sorbate (to Preserve Freshness).

What does the A stand for in A1 steak sauce? ›

A1 Steak Sauce is said to have been created sometime in the late 1820s by Henderson William Brand, the Chef to England's King George IV. The king was so pleased with the new sauce, he proclaimed it 'A number 1' - or 'A1' for short.

Is A1 just ketchup and Worcestershire sauce? ›

While the back of the bottle states that A. 1. is composed of “tomato purée, raisin paste, distilled vinegar, corn syrup, salt, crushed orange purée, dried garlic and onions, spice, celery seed, caramel color, potassium sorbate, and xanthan gum,” all I really taste is Worcestershire and ketchup.

Is A1 steak sauce just brown sauce? ›

Steak Sauce and sometimes stylized as A1 Sauce in certain markets) is a brand of brown sauce produced by Brand & co, a subsidiary of Premier Foods in the United Kingdom (as "Brand's A. 1. Sauce") and in North America by Kraft Heinz.

Is A1 sauce just HP sauce? ›

If you've not tried it, you might be wondering, “What is HP Sauce?” Ask it on a forum and you'll invariably get someone saying something like, “It's basically A1.” Not true. HP Sauce is similar to A1 steak sauce, but it's definitely not the same thing.

What makes A1 sauce so good? ›

steak sauce, the tangy flavor makes your taste buds sing with happiness. You may be surprised to learn that one of the sources of A. 1.'s zesty yumminess comes from crushed orange puree. When Chef Henderson William Brand first invented A.

Which sauce is better for burger? ›

Ketchup, mustard, and Thousand Island get most of the action when it comes to adding sauce to a burger, but why stop there? There are countless ways to level up your burger, and switching up your sauces is the best place to start.

Why is it called A1 sauce? ›

As the story goes, the sauce was concocted specifically for King George IV by his personal chef, Henderson William Brand, in the 1820s. The King himself gave it a stamp of approval, proclaiming "A1" to his chef and the name stuck.

Does A1 sauce taste like Worcestershire sauce? ›

A1 Steak Sauce (or HP Brown Sauce)

Made with tomato puree, raisin paste, white vinegar, corn syrup, crushed orange puree, and salt, this sauce has many of the same flavor notes as Worcestershire—it's just missing the spice and heat.

Are BK burgers 100% beef? ›

Our beef patties are made with 100% beef with no fillers, no preservatives, no additives, no nonsense. We also make our flagship product, the WHOPPER® Sandwich, with 1/4 lb* of savory flame-grilled beef. Now that's a beefy sandwich. *Based on pre-cooked patty weight.

What is the best burger to eat in Burger King? ›

  • Crispy Veg. The Crispy Veg is one of the best items in Burger King for vegetarians. ...
  • Whopper. Burger King's Whopper is a classic on the menu that you cannot miss. ...
  • Crispy Chicken Double Patty. ...
  • New Kings Collection. ...
  • Paneer Royale Burger. ...
  • Beyond Burgers. ...
  • Fries. ...
  • Chicken Fries.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.